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Gary L Cox
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Gary L. Cox an ordained minister has served as an evangelist, pastor,
and conference speaker in many city and state wide meetings. 

He began his ministry in his early years speaking his first sermon
at the age of sixteen and has delivered thousands of messages
across the United States in Bible Conferences, Churches and
state Youth Meetings.

He attended Southern Bible College in Houston and Covington Theological Seminary, he was awarded the highest award of the seminary receiving the Scholastic Award.

His doctrinal beliefs are that the Bible is the inspired written Word of God, there is one God, eternally co-existent in three Persons, Christ was born of a virgin, He died, rose from the dead and is alive at the right hand of the Father. 

The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the Blood of Christ.

Christ redemptive work on the cross provides healing for the human body. 

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, is given to believers who ask for it.

There will be a rapture of the church before the tribulation and Christ will return to the earth in Power and Glory to reign one thousand years.

There will be resurrections and judgements of both the saved and the lost and man's soul is eternal.

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